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Kinesiology (Kin-easy-ology) is a comprehensive system of health care that utilizes manual musvle monitoring feedback – otherwise known as muscle testing – to identify and correct imbalance in the whole person.

The major focus of Kinesiology testing is to understand and eliminate the underlying cause of the problem, as well as to be able to determine problems before they arise.

The electrical field of the body contains every bit of information that the body has ever experienced; therefore, not only can the practitioner determine what is going on, but also when it began and what the body needs in order to complete the healing process. Sometimes it is as simple as a diet adjustment, or the administration of a mineral supplement, and complex issues relating to emotional blocks.

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Muscle Testing
A muscle test can roughly be described as an information gathering tool or communication pathway that allows a direct link between the facilitator and the body, providing specific access to the subconscious levels of the body-mind. Muscle testing quite simply involves a positioned in either a state of extension of contraction. Slight pressure is then applied to this muscle by the practitioner and the muscle responds in one of two ways in what is termed a “lock” (muscle weakens) or an “unlock” (muscle remains strong). How the muscle responds and what the response is telling us depends entirely on the details of the session at the time.

How it can help
Kinesiology reveals the areas of our body/life that we are not always conscious of. The balancing process can therefore be an educational experience, helping us to understand what’s really going on in our, body/life, thus empowering us with an expanded awareness that may lead to making more positive and informed choices about how to direct our life.

We may reveal hidden subconscious patterns and blocks, uncover limiting belief systems or reverse unwanted sabotage programmes as part of the balancing process, which for each of us is as unique and individual as we are.

By accessing the all wise, innate intelligence from within, we can tap into information relating to all aspects of the multidimensional human being, that is, all energy systems that constitute the physical, mental, emotional, bio-chemical, structural, electrical, spiritual and more.

Kinesiology can help you with:

  • Emotional Issues
  • Allergies
  • Stress
  • Blood Sugar Imbalance
  • Debilitating Illnesses
  • Children Learning Difficulties
  • PMS / Menopause
  • Backache
  • Headache / Migraine
  • Chronic Pains
  • Relationship Issues
  • Financial / Work Issues

“I always feel enlighten when I see Anisa. She knows how to have the exact words to make you feel reflecting on yourself, having another perspective of life, growing from your experiences and learning how to heal. She has a lot of warmth and empathy and I always feel peaceful after a session with her”.
– Sandra Cohen-Taieb

“ANISA has been an angel in my life. I have met her 7 years ago, destiny brought me to her when I most needed it and she helped me unfold and heal many areas of my life. She has the gift of capturing and clearing all those things you are not speaking about with words. She will listen to you through a different channel and will be able to free you from heavy burdens. She is a true blessing in my life. The first session I had with her changed my life for ever.”
– Virginia Bonanni

“I have known Anisa for over 8 years now and can truly say that she has had a huge influence in my life. Anisa has helped me understand my own emotions as well as of those around me, which has resulted in me having a much calmer and fuller life. Every time I visit Anisa, I always have million questions about my children and her answers and guidance help me understand my children and my reactions to them. I feel that I have changed tremendously over the past years, though I know that there is so much more to come. Every “Anisa” experience is for me a life changing moment that I can fully recommend to everyone!”
– Sandra Christiansen

“It is with gratefulness that I write this testimonial for Anisa’s healing work. I have been blessed to meet her 7 years ago while living in HK . I did not know anything about energy healing or kinesiology. I was refered to Anisa by a friend of mine to whom I had confined my despair . I had been suffering from deep anxiety, which had developped into an obsessive behaviorial disorder. I have to mention that I have had only three face to face sessions , then I left HK to go to France, Sri Lanka, Turkey….and continued having sessions through the internet , either on Skype or by telephone, the results were equaly marvellous !

Anisa ‘s healing skills have achieved wonder , when I look back from where I am now…what I have been through , from physical problems such as urinary tract infections , sciatica, neck issues, fungal infections….to material/ money / job related issues ( we nearly lost our home )I honestly do not know where I would be I had not started this journey with the help of Anisa. Her kindness, patience, grounded spirituality, the amazing skills she has of the use of kinesiology to get to the root of an issue is simply admirable. At every session I am in awe , it is spot on everytime!

I have,in my turn, introduced Anisa to several friends from many parts of the world; She does not need to have known or met the person previously to do the job, I have witnessed it personaly while doing translation for my friends ,who did not speak English well enough , through Skype . It is fascinating , I don’t know how all this healing exactly work, but it works ! If you want to get to your own truth, get your power back, then Anisa is the person to help you get there , with her non-judgemental mind, her gentleness and that little supplement…the “gift” … you can be assured to overcome anything. She is a lovely woman, a lovable person , I love her with all my heart and will never be able to thank her enough for having always been there for me , supporting me and my husband.”
– Catherine McIntyre