Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine looks at the human body and mind as an integrated and interrelated organic being. By focusing on imbalances between yin and yang, the major organs and the flow of Qi (vital energy), the scope of diseases that can be treated by Chinese Medicine is theoretically unlimited. Within Chinese Medicine there are different methods of obtaining balance (e.g. acupuncture and moxibustion, acupressure, tapping and cupping, qigong, exercise, diet, chi-nei-chang, the usage of herbs, etc.). The right combined usage of different methods will only strengthen the healing process.
Read moreChinese herbal medicine is not only used for chronic disorders, it is also widely used for acute diseases, sometimes in combination with western medicine, and sometimes on its own. In fact, at the moment herbal extracts are used for intravenous application in hospitals.
A Chinese medicine practitioner can help patients with many different ailments. Very commonly seen are pain related problems, migraines, menstrual disorders, skin problems, allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, water retention, insomnia, fatigue, infertility, pregnancy related problems like morning sickness, etc.
However, since its main principle is to achieve balance and a smooth flow of Qi irrespective of how much or little this balance has been set off, it is also especially useful to gage one’s own health even before more clear symptoms appear.
Prevention before cure.
Cecilia Thé
B.C.M. (BUCM)(Beijing)
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (HK)
Dr. Michelle LAW Pui Man
BChiMed (CUHK) PhD in Public Health (Family Medicine)
(CUHK) Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (HK)
I started seeing Dr Michelle Law a few months ago and my fibromyalgia is so much better now. I can exercise with very little pain or no pain at all.
I can’t thank Dr Law enough for significantly increasing my quality of life. She is very polite, patient and extremely knowledgeable. She takes her time in consultations and answers all my questions. She is the best TCM doctor & acupuncturist I have ever had !!!